Jul's Progkast Blog
Blog Coincides with Jul's Progkast Podcast - Underground Prog Rock from around the world. Here, I review the albums and artists from the Podcast, artist Q&A, lyrics and translations of songs from the Podcast, as well as list concert dates and post new releases from these Independent artists (own "label" releases and small independent label releases). To listen to Progkast see links on right. Also available free on itunes for listening, download and auto RSS feed.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Discontinuing Blog
It takes a lot of time and work to put together a music podcast, especially one such as this, where the music doesn't naturally just happen to "fall in my lap". I have to spend time searching the internet for music, downloading the music (and often re-entering the data so that I know what I am working with), listening to the music and deciding what to play, when and where to play it. I also spend a great deal researching info on the music. As thus, keeping up with the blog is taking away from time that could be spent on the podcast itself. So for now, at least, I am discontinuing the blog. The earlier posts will remain as long as this blogger/blogspot remains. Thanks for reading, and thanks for listening. You may find updates about the podcast and bits about some of the bands or music played on the Progkast facebook page. The podcast episodes listed on the right side of the page are automatically updated to show the most recent podcast. So if you click on the links on the right, they are still good and up to date. Thank you, Julie
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Jul's Progkast - Episode 17
In this episode :
Hyper Lightning Hydra - Haunted (2016) (Australia) :34
Eclipse Sol-Air - Once Upon a Time (2013) (Germany/France) 7:22
Jingo - Death Counts (2017) (UK) 14:30
The J Conspiracy - The Glass House (2016)(Germany) 18:21
NeoN HaZe - Black Over Blue - Part 1 (2016) (UK) 23:57
Elevate - More Than Alive (2016)(Italy) 29:49
Univeria Zekt (Magma)- Clementine (1972 - rr 2001 & 2011) (France) 36:31
The Light Afternoon - The Lord of Amber and Grey (2017) (UK) 43:15
Darren Sullivan - The Welcoming Handshake (2016) (US) 49:17
Maniac Mac - Existing (2015)(Sweden) 55:55
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Jul's Progkast - 16
Jul's Progkast - 16
Napier's Bones - No Return? (2016) UK
Us - Linsisfarne (2017)Netherlands
Federico Fasce (2008) Italy
Need - Hagaiamas (2017) Greece
Grey Gizzard - Dead Man (2016) US
Napier's Bones
This band was actually recommended to me by Len Rice (see Progkast -15), and a good recommendation it was. Some really nice classic style Prog with a modern touch, their newest release (2017) is "Alpha-Omega Man". Headed by Gordon Midgley and Nathan Jon Tillett, Each of their albums are conceptual stories which lead you on a fantasy guided path of Progdom. This particular piece, "No Return?" is from their 2016 album release, "Hell and Highwater". Some really great music here for classic Prog fans who want something new and with a newer more modern sound.... or even die hard classic Prog fans.
With "Lindisfarne", taken from their newest (2017) album release of the same title, US are definitely taking us on a musical journey to a classic Prog haven with swirling mellotron and images of euphoric atmospheres. The original members,Jos Wernars, Ernest Wernars, and Paul van Velzen have been playing music together for over 40 yrs, and have 10 album releases under their belt. They hail from Amsterdam and can be found here, on Bandcamp. Their official site is here.
Federico Fasce
"Memoirs" was taken from Federico's 2008 release, "Recharged". He is now involved in a trio called "Dock Number Three". They've been playing gigs in and around Genova, Italy, and hopefully we'll hear more from them soon.
Dock Number Three --- Video
The Need are from Athens, Greece and once again a modern touch to a classic Prog sound. The epitomy of concept albums, Hagaiamas is a fantastic music journey you won't regret. Taking the title cut from the album, the song "Hagaiamas closes out this epic journey. There's plenty more where this came from on Bandcamp, and Youtube.
Grey Gizzard
This guy has some really amazing stuff. Your ears will be delighted when/if you head over to his Soundcloud page. Believe me. :D
Federico Fasce,
music podcast,
Napier's Bones,
new music,
new releases,
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Jul's Progkast - 15
Jul's Progkast - 15
Starting with the first Podcast in February, #14, Jul's Progkast is going to be bi-monthly (twice a month) --- at least for the next few months. I am testing the waters and seeing how it goes ---
It is easiest for me to identify each podcast by number as well as where it falls in the month. With two a month the first one (1) will fall somewhere around the 5th of the month. The next one (2) will fall somewhere around the 21st of the month - give or take 2-3 days.
Jul's Progkast is also streamed weekly (2x) on Undiscovered Rock Radio out of Australia. Check the schedule for times, or click here to see when the next broadcast is in your area, and or, to "follow" on tunein.
Jul's Progkast - 15
released ( Feb 7th( 2) 2017)
1) Cell 15 - The Messenger (2014) US - .342) Crocodile - (Pre) Dawn of Stan (2017) US - 12.46
3) Jahzzar - Breaking Bad (2013) Spain - 19.34
4)Frontecielo - Sand Man (2016) Italy - 22.42
5)Len Rice - Arachnid Spackle (2017) US - 28.04
6) Elevate - (Suite Pt 1)Do You Trust the Builder (2016) Italy - 34.43
7)Rich O'Brien - So Free (2011) US - 40.37
8) Sulcus - Occhi di Serpente - US - 43.45
9) Myke Ross - Telepathy (2016) Germany - 49.16
Intro music is Sumeritae - "(Intro) Belleza Anatomia"
Cell 15
Cell 15 are an exciting new band from the state of Pennsylvania in the US, founded by Robert Richardson (Keys, Vocals). Other band members include, Dan MacDonald (Bass, Vocals), Kevin Thomas (Drums, Vocals), and Shane Jones (Guitar).
Their album, "Chapter One" was released in 2014, but with the assembling of the band around the album, the band spent 2015 and 2016 touring and promoting the album. The album was voted best debut of 2015. The band is also featured in the lineup of the Progstock Festival, happening in late 2017 in New Jersey, USA.
Cell 15 Facebook page
Cell 15 Bandcamp page
Crocodile (Crocodileatx)
Hailing from Austin, Texas, Crocodile are another exciting new band. Playing classic style synth rock with mellotron overtones, Crocodile are giving us die hard classic Prog fans some fuel to keep us going! ;) I am definitely a fan and going to be following this band closely. Hopefully they'll expand their gigs to West Texas area... Some great stuff coming from Austin, a city known more for their Outlaw Country Rock than Prog....
Crocodile on Soundcloud
Crocodile on Facebook
An excellent duo in Donatella Basilico (Drums, Percussion, Vocals) and Piero Caniparo (Guitars, Bass, choirs). Their music is Progressive, Fusion, Metal, Pop, Classical, and Opera all rolled into one. Donatella's vocals are spot on and reminiscent of all the top female vocalists of Rock and Prog Rock... Strong like Ann Wilson, occasionally flowing like Annie Haslam. Easily, one of the top premiere female lead singers in rock today. If we don't hear more (like shouting off the rooftops popularity "more") from this duo in the media.... then... there just plain is no justice.... or anyone with ears to hear good music anymore.
They don't have a facebook page, but you can find them here, on Soundcloud.
Len Rice
Len Rice.... ha ha... what can I say... this was fun... a little embarrasing... but I felt... necessary. Reading the narrative adds to the fun and jest that is Prog... a little story about spiders' revenge. :D Len has a large hand in the Prog genre, blogging here and there, including "Awesome Band" on a now defunct prog rock site. If you read the narrative as you listen to the song (you may have to listen twice to get the timing right), it flows with the song perfectly. I've included the narrative below:
The Story of “Arachnid Spackle” (narrative prose) by Len Rice
The spider stirs as hazy beams of warm sunlight stream through weathered panes making glitter of the dusty air.
Descending from the safety of the lofty web to explore the vast universe of the decaying Victorian home-
It ventures cautiously into the unknown with speed & stealthy stillness endeavoring to evade detection by enemy & prey.
Soon faced with a perilously wide expanse of bare wooden floor speed is its only option.
Nearing the safety of the opposite wall a fiendish cackle announces discovery by the most feared foe: the old woman.
A frantic frenzy of sadistic stomping & striking with all at hand befalls the spider as it deftly dodges each blow on its way to the wall.
Halfway up with speed failing to elude the assailant it resorts to stillness as a rolled newspaper finds its target.
With a stifled scream the spider becomes a permanent part of the crumbling plaster wall.
Roused by their mother’s death cry her offspring begin to emerge from scores of spherical silken eggs to seek & avenge her fate.
Nourished by rage they grow overnight to gargantuan proportions instinctively forming bushido battalions at first light.
The sound of marching shifts her slumber from dream to drowsiness until daylight’s horrific horde makes wide her eyes.
In slippers, robe, & disbelief her retreat from revenge is soon blocked by back to wall.
Their steady advance becomes a focused fury of web spinning entombment.
With a suffocated scream the old woman becomes a permanent part of the crumbling plaster wall.
Copyright 2016 by Len Rice
Len Rice on Soundcloud
Elevate are a young new band from Italy. Their music sounds a lot like something from the 70s.... particularly, they remind me of Camel. Sort of Psychedelic Prog. I am really loving this stuff. Their first EP, "More Than Alive" was just released last year (2016).
Rich O'Brien
Rich O'Brien got some help on this one by Sam McGrady from the UK, on Bass and Slide Guitar. I thought this was a good one to include as it takes us to the edge of Prog again with some nice instrumental stuff on the tail end. We like to mix it up here at Progkast and keep your ears awake. So there'll always be some "edge of Prog" included... the sort of stuff you would have heard on Prog radio in the 70's! And since I grew up listening to Prog radio in the 70's, well, that's just how I roll! :D
Sulcus is based in San Diego, CA, but has members on the East US Coast as well as Europe. There are a few different bands with this name.This particular band, as noted, is a quartet based in San Diego. They play Instrumental and Experimental Prog.
Myke Ross
Playing a mixture of Progressive pop, rock, soundtrack, electronic, and ambient music, Myke is from Germany, just released his latest album, "Believe" in May of last year... and is looking to collaborate with other musicians.
Thanks to all of the musical artists for allowing use of their music on Progkast and Undiscovered Rock Radio .
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Jul's Progkast - Episode 14
Jul's Progkast - 14
(1st wk February 2017
Episode 14
1)Atlas Cube (Germany) - Zakko Droozer
2)Meta (US)- Death Emerges
3)Hermelin (Germany)- ....Sharp Teeth
4)Disconnect (US)- Stratagem Malum
5)The J. Conspiracy (Germany) - Place Called Home
6)Jeremy Reiser (US)- Lives Unfurl
7) Aura Blaze (US)- A Glass of Tears Half Empty
Sumeritae - Belleza Anatomia (Intro)
appears as background music to
the Introduction to Jul's Progkast
2)Meta (US)- Death Emerges
3)Hermelin (Germany)- ....Sharp Teeth
4)Disconnect (US)- Stratagem Malum
5)The J. Conspiracy (Germany) - Place Called Home
6)Jeremy Reiser (US)- Lives Unfurl
7) Aura Blaze (US)- A Glass of Tears Half Empty
Sumeritae - Belleza Anatomia (Intro)
appears as background music to
the Introduction to Jul's Progkast
Atlas Cube
Atlas Cube are an Instrumental Prog sort of Jazz Fusion band from Germany. Their music is melodic and full of virtuosity. Their song "Asia Moments" was voted by listeners as #3 in the Top Ten of 2016.
Meta is a long distance collaboration betwen Alec Yeager (guitar, bass, vocals) from Tucson AZ, and Joshua Breeden (drums) from Hampton VA, and on this project, Eric Barker (Keyboards) from Honolulu Hawaii.
I discovered Meta through one of their posts on some facebook group or other (can't remember which... Prog On...Prog and Metal... or something like that, lol). Their new album Spatterlight is available on Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp (Metamusique). I think this is really some top notch Modern Prog with a metal tinge. Very well done. Very well produced. I think that Spatterlight is going to knock some people's socks off in the upper echelons of music. As folks point to the US as not as Prog heavy as other countries, specifically European countries... the US seems to have their own style of Prog which is heavier than their European counterparts. Meta is the epitome of US Prog Rock. Meta website
Another band from Germany, Hermelin is a band I found on the Free Music Archive. They can also be found on Bandcamp where they currently have three albums available dating from 2008 - 2013.
I actually found Disconnect through Reddit. Their latest album, "Darkling" released in Oct, 2016, is available at CDBaby, Amazon, and Apple Music, as well as Bandcamp. Disconnect is a duo consisting of Erich O'Dell and Brian Eschrich.
The J Conspiracy
I'd like to thank the guys of The J Conspiracy for the great introduction to their epic song, "Place Called Home". I HAD to pass by their latest song "Glass House" and play this one because with so many changes it had all the feel of a classic Prog piece. So, they let me do it, and it's a great addition. :D "Glass House" will be coming up in a future podcast very soon. :D
You can view their music meets photography media project on youtube (above). But I suggest you go directly to their site - as the photos are much more brilliant and clear (and some are really spectacular)...here.
Page listing of radio shows and podcasts playing J Conspiracy, with some nice words about Jul's Progkast.
You can view their music meets photography media project on youtube (above). But I suggest you go directly to their site - as the photos are much more brilliant and clear (and some are really spectacular)...here.
Page listing of radio shows and podcasts playing J Conspiracy, with some nice words about Jul's Progkast.
Jeremy Reiser
Reminding me a bit of Nick Lowe, I felt inclined to include Jeremy on Progkast. His music is sort of Neo Prog and very melodic. He is currently working on his BA degree in North Carolina. He can be found on facebook, soundcloud.
Aura Blaze
What can I say about Rhode Rachel and his project "Aura Blaze"? My favorite album (that I discovered) from last year. He released it in 2015. It's Psych, its Prog, it's Psych Prog. And I love it! On facebook, bandcamp, Amazon.... etc...
Entire album on youtube -
A Glass of Tears Half Empty - official video
Hermelin - "...Sharp Teeth" is under a Creative Commons license.
All other music in this podcast is copyright of the original artists. All music used by permission. Thanks go out to all for use of their music in this podcast.
Atlas Cube,
J Conspiracy,
jul's progkast blog,
new releases,
new rock,
Sunday, January 22, 2017
(Jul's) Progkast - 13
January 2017
On this podcast:
1)Rich O'Brien and Roberto Ricco - Aurora - 2016 - US/Italy (00.35)
2)Psichedelic - Space - 2010 - Italy (6.33)
3)Sioum - Lapse - 2010 - US (11.03)
4)Dragon - America - 1977 - Belgium (14.36)
5)Boanjo - The Return of the Ancient Dragon - 2014 - Sweden (22.32)
6)MOMA and Bribedant - Edgar - 2006 (2016 remix) - Sweden (29.03)
7)Alchemic Journey - Do You Remember (Inst) - 2016 - France (34.08)
8)Nostalgic Orange - Happiness (Part 2) - 2014 - US (43.03)
9)UV Doble - La Cage - (55.54)
10)At the Head - Bite My Heart - 2016 - Russia (58.54)
Intro song is "Belleza Anatomia (Intro)" by Sumeritae
Rich O'Brien and Roberto Ricco
Some amazing stuff coming from this duo. With Rich laying down the basic track with acoustic guitar and Roberto layering on the other instruments... this was a great opener for the latest Progkast. I like to open the 'cast with a "bang" and I think this worked well. For although it starts off rather quietly, the electric guitar and drums come pounding in a few moments later - enough to get you listening! There will be more from one or the other or both in the future. Some of the music I've heard from Rich is rather Leonard Cohen/John Prine-ish... and I am looking forward to playing some of that as I am a fan of both. It's sort of old school Prog before Prog only meant - to some - symphonic or electric music.
"Space" is the second song I've played from Psichedelic. The first one, "Pauline" was a newer song played on Progkast # 11 in November 2016. I felt this particular movement from "Nature Suite" was reminiscent of the Strawbs, or a bit Peter Gabriel-ish. He himself says that when he composed it he was thinking of the Flaming Lips. Find him on Soundcloud
You can find Sioum on facebook at Sioum Facebook page . Their latest album "Yet Further" was released in 2016. What I am assuming was their debut album "I Am Mortal, But Was Fiend" was released in 2010 and is available for free download at the Free Music Archive.
Here is "Unknown" from the album "Yet Further"
Possibly the oldest band/music I've played on Progkast, I've played Dragon a few times. Their music is pretty good for rounding out Progkast, especially when I am finding it difficult to find some modern Prog with vocals ;). Besides, when I find good music, I like to play it! As noted on the podcast, the instrumental section there, the drums seem to be slipping and off - a bit forced... but as stated, good song, and great percussion otherwise!
I found Boanjo on Soundcloud. I don't know much about him, except that he is from Sweden, and I like his music. So hopefully, there will be more to come.
This is the third song I've played involving MOMA. I was sent this song a few months ago by Bribedant - or An Easily Bribed Ant ;). I'm not always sure whether these artists would like to be known by their real names or by their Soundcloud synonyms... I'm sure I came by his real name somewhere, but all I can find is "Bribedant", so I'll leave it at that! ;) He is from Stockholm.
Alchemic Journey
I'd long wanted to play some Alchemic Journey and they were on my list. But with so many (and there are a lot) of instrumentals being "found" and submitted, I had to keep putting them on the back burner. So once they sent me some songs for consideration (and I highly encourage this, although I can't promise anything), I moved them up on the list ;) So, check them out on Soundcloud and or Reverbnation.
Nostalgic Orange
I am constantly amazed at how young some of these artists are.... who sound like they have been playing for decades. Another artist who has been on the back burner for a few months, Nostalgic Orange. Check out Soundcloud and Facebook for more. Below is "Grey Matter" from 2012.
UV Doble
Also found on Soundcloud - be sure to scroll down to get to his music and not reposts of others' music. He has some interesting pieces and Prog-worthy stuff to listen to :)
At the Head
"September Electric" was played in one of the most popular Progkasts, #6. One of my favorite songs from that Podcast, I planned to play them again. This time it was "Bite My Heart". I introduced this song as having a long silent interlude..... My BAD as there were at least THREE songs on this podcast with long silent interludes! LOL They are from Moscow and are on Soundcloud, as well as Facebook .
alchemic journey,
music podcast,
music reviews,
new music,
new rock,
prog rock,
progressive rock,
roberto ricco,
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